4 Health and Safety Training Courses Your Business Needs

health and safety training

As a business owner, you have a responsibility to ensure that your employees are safe and healthy at work. But what health and safety training does your business need? The health and safety training that employees need generally depends on the specific nature of their workplace. For example, a construction worker needs training that an office worker does not. However, there are some types of health and safety training that are necessary for almost every business. Here are some of the main courses that your employees probably need. 


Fire Safety Training 

Fire safety training is a legal requirement for all businesses. Employees should be aware of what to do in the event of a fire. This includes how to safely evacuate the building and the location of emergency exits. 

Your employees need fire safety training to be able to safely evacuate your building in the event of a fire. Fire safety training should cover topics such as how to use a fire extinguisher, how to identify and report hazards, and what to do in the event of a fire. 

In addition, your workplace should have one or more designated fire marshals. These are individuals who have had further training to prevent fires, and getting members of staff to safety in the event of fire. The number of fire marshals your workplace needs will depend on its size and fire risk. This can be discovered by having a fire risk assessment professionally carried out. 


First Aid Training 

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require you to provide adequate and appropriate first-aid equipment, facilities and people so your employees can be given immediate help if they are injured or taken ill at work. This means that you should have staff on-hand who have had first-aid training.  

First aid trained employees can provide basic medical care in the event of an injury or illness, including administering CPR if necessary. Having employees with first aid training can help to reduce the severity of an injury or illness, and can also help to prevent further injuries or illnesses from occurring. 

workplace health and safety training

Slips, Trips and Falls Training 

Slips, trips and falls are one of the most common causes of workplace injury. They can be a concern in almost any workplace, from offices and supermarkets to construction sites and kitchens.  

These kind of accidents can often be prevented with proper training. Your employees may need slips, trips and falls training in order to learn how to identify potential hazards and how to avoid them.  


Manual Handling Training 

If your employees regularly lift or move heavy objects as part of their job, they need manual handling training. This type of training can help them to do their job safely and reduce the risk of injury. Improper manual handling is one of the most common causes of workplace injuries, being responsible for 1 in 3 accidents in the workplace. These accidents can result both short-term and chronic injuries. If your business has not provided employees with appropriate manual handling training, then the business may be held legally liable in the event of an accident. 



There are many different types of health and safety training that businesses can provide for their employees. The type of training will depend on the industry, the specific job roles within the company, and the country in which the business is located. However, some common types of health and safety training include first aid, fire safety, manual handling, and slips, trips and falls. It is important for businesses to ensure that their employees are properly trained in all aspects of health and safety so that they can work safely and avoid accidents or injuries. If you are wondering how you can meet your company’s mandatory training needs without disrupting business, consider Portland Training’s online courses. 
