What our learners and clients think about us
We work with thousands of individuals and organisations every year. Here’s what they say about us.
Great tutor
Nigel was a great tutor, very helpful and gave us a good understanding of the course didn’t feed us too much info at once so that we fully understood what we were learning. Would like to thank him a lot.
Brilliant tutor
I had a brilliant tutor who had lots of experience and I could learn a lot.
Increased my confidence
I really enjoyed my course and meeting the tutor and the other delegates. It increased my confidence and promoted my personal wellbeing. I also learned lots of useful information.
Best courses
This has been one of the best courses I’ve been on and I will recommend the provider to others.
We had free funding to put our operatives through NVQs which was a very big task of about 200 operatives but Portland did it! They were efficient and always went the extra mile when needed.
Excellent tutor
I found the course to be good, informative and helpful. Simon was an excellent tutor and provided us with a good level of training.
The tutors have been exceptional, great knowledge and engaging the learners on the course. I would recommend this course to anyone wanting to pursue a career In security.
Good learning experience
The training was informative and a good learning experience and the tutor was great
Loved every minute
Absolutely loved every minute. Would recommend it to anyone.
Professional and proactive
We have always found Portland to be professional and proactive with a wealth of knowledge of the Construction and training industry. Not only have they met our training requirements, but they have always been able to advise on topics such as grant payments and funding, both of which have helped Caldwell Construction recoup a large amount of monitor outlay in upskilling our operatives.
Absolutely brilliant
Paul was absolutely brilliant. Excellent trainer, very knowledgeable and patient. I learned and gained a lot this week.
Really enjoyed the course
Paul was excellent in his approach and knowledge and very likeable. Really enjoyed the course.
Fantastic course
Fantastic course enjoyed and learned a lot, great tutor, very well-driven and knowledgeable, highly recommend.
Very professional
I really liked the teacher. Very professional in his work, the courses were very active and interesting. In general, I got a lot of positive knowledge and emotions.
Fantastic week
Was a fantastic week and great company. Very enjoyable.
10 out of 10
I enjoyed my course and thought Paul explained the course very well. Would recommend the course to anyone. 10 out of 10
Excellent customer service
Portland have always provided excellent customer service and been very proactive in terms of keeping us updated with new courses, funding schemes and changes in legislation. Feedback from our site operatives is an important factor and has always been of a positive nature.
Hassle free service
We receive hassle-free service, from registration to completion and the communication is excellent.
Passionate and professional trainers
Excellent training, with passionate and professional trainers.
Communication has been excellent
The service that we have received from Portland Training has been very good and the communication has been excellent. We will continue to use Portland Training for our training requirements due to the ease of arranging training and qualifications, and the fast response to queries raised.
Professional service
From start to finish, we received a professional service providing all the information we required to carefully choose the right courses to progress our worker’s skills further.
Malcolm was wonderful and set me at ease throughout the course. Thank you, Malcolm.
Reliable and effective
Throughout our collaboration on SSW, Portland has been a very reliable and effective partner and we would not hesitate to work with Portland again on any similar opportunities in the future.
Clear and patient
Course was very informative and the tutor was clear and patient with us learners and allowed participation in the sessions which made it very fun to learn.
Had fun
Had fun doing the course and the teacher was very helpful.
We hold The Portland Training Company in very high regard. The training and additional support they provide has helped contribute to the growth of the individual learners, their employers, and the region overall.
My tutor was engaging, knowledgeable and funny. I personally appreciate these qualities greatly, as they make me much more interested in completing a course to the best of my abilities. Something I feel I have been able to do.
Great tutor interaction
Great tutor interaction, good resources used and relevant facts and information, which has given me the confidence to go forward and find a worthwhile job.