How to use the CSCS Card Checker

CSCS Card Checker

To use the CSCS card checker, you’ll need to have access to just two bits of information. One of these must be a National Insurance Number, Individual ID, Registration Number, or a CITB Test ID. The second is a surname or date of birth. With two pieces of information, you will be able to view the details of any CSCS card.

You can enter this information on the CSCS online card checker.

What is the CSCS Card Checker?

The CSCS Card checker is a useful tool that allows anybody to check the training record associated with a CSCS card. This tool allows site managers and supervisors to validate the authenticity of their workers qualifications quickly, ensuring that all workers are compliant with industry standards.

How to Use the CSCS Card Checker

Using the CSCS card checker is relatively easy providing you have the required information or have access to the CSCS Smart Check App. Providing that you have access to the worker’s CSCS card and or the required information, you will be able to pull a report of qualifications in no time.

Check the CSCS Card Number Online

Using the CSCS card checker on a desktop is straightforward providing you have the correct information.

You will generally need a surname or date of birth, as well as a CSCS card number, CITB test number or registration number. You will need to do this on the online CSCS card checker.

You will need to use at least one of the following:

  • Individual ID/Registration Number
  • CITB Test ID
  • National Insurance Number

Some example combinations you could use are:

  • Surname & National Insurance Number
  • Surname & Individual ID/Registration Number
  • Date of Birth & Individual ID/Registration Number
  • Date of Birth & National Insurance Number

Check a CSCS Card using the Mobile App (CSCS Smart Check)

The CSCS have introduced the CSCS Smart Check application for mobile devices. This CSCS card checker is very popular on construction sites as you can easily pull out your phone and physically scan a CSCS card. Providing your mobile device is capable, you will be able to hold your phone over the card itself and view training records.

You can download the mobile app CSCS Card checker here.

CSCS Card Checker

Why You Should Use the CSCS Card Checker

The CSCS Card Checker is a crucial tool to ensure that all qualifications and CSCS cards are legitimate.

Being correctly qualified for the job is crucial in the construction industry. If someone claims to have qualifications that they don’t officially have, this can be dangerous for themselves, their colleagues and the general public.

Qualifications are key in the construction industry, and so is authenticating them. By using the CSCS card checker, you can rest assured that everyone is correctly qualified to do the job safely and efficiently.

When You Should Use the CSCS Card Checker

Construction site managers or site supervisors may use the CSCS card checker when considering new sub-contractors or employees to work on a project.

By checking the qualifications of workers using the official CSCS card checker, you can confirm that they have legitimate qualifications and are safe to operate under your supervision.

Using the CSCS card checker can stop workers who do not have the correct qualifications, or who have counterfeit CSCS cards, from causing danger on your site.

Use the CSCS Card Checker to Identify Counterfeit CSCS Cards

The CSCS card checker can help with the problem of counterfeit CSCS cards. Counterfeit CSCS cards are provided illegally by illegitimate sources and are often linked to criminal organisations.

How to Spot a Counterfeit CSCS Card

Using the CSCS card checker can help you spot counterfeit CSCS cards. By checking the authenticity of a worker’s qualifications and CSCS card, you can go that bit further to ensure you are ensuring the health and safety of all. 

A fake card will likely not work correctly when using the CSCS card checker so this should be your first port of call.

Another quick indicator would be to check the image on the card. Ensure that it has one firstly, but also that it matches the operative and does not look edited.

A CSCS card typically lasts for a maximum of 5 years. If the expiry date exceeds 5 years from today’s date, then the card is counterfeit.

Learn more about fraudulent CSCS cards on the CSCS website.

Always Obtain Your CSCS Card Through the CSCS

You should only apply for your CSCS card directly through the CSCS. To avoid any risk of a counterfeit CSCS card being obtained, ensure that you yourself go through the official CSCS website (

Authenticate Qualifications with the CSCS Card Checker

CSCS cards are generally supported by a construction NVQ or a recognised qualification. They evidence that you have passed the relevant CITB health and safety test for your card.

The CSCS card checker will allow you to authenticate the existence of these required qualifications, evidencing that workers are qualified to do what they say they can.

By using the CSCS card checker, you can confirm a workers NVQ qualification and that they are skilled in a certain area. For example, you can check a gold supervisor CSCS card for a correct NVQ in supervision.

How Do You Get a CSCS Card?

In order to apply for a CSCS card, you must complete a relevant construction NVQ as well as the required CITB health, safety and environment test.

See the list below for what NVQ you need for each CSCS card:

At Portland Training, we’re able to offer the NVQ you need to get your next CSCS card and progress in your career. Contact us today to discuss your qualification.

Want to know more about CSCS cards? All your questions are answered with our comprehensive guide: CSCS Cards: A Complete Guide

CSCS Card Checker

The Benefits of Using the CSCS Card Checker

The CSCS card checker is used in many construction sites across the nation as a great way to authenticate and validate qualifications. We’ve gathered 5 benefits of using the CSCS card checker below:

1. Compliance

Ensure that you are compliant in terms of qualifications and certification. All workers should be qualified to undertake their tasks on site.

2. Trust

Using the CSCS card checker can develop a sense of trust between workers and customers, proving that workers are qualified to do their job.

3. Identification

The CSCS card checker can prove who workers are on a site, whilst also providing a detailed account of their qualifications.

4. Efficiency

The CSCS card checker can allow you to view a worker’s training record very quickly and efficiently. Your time is very valuable on a construction site, so checking quickly and with ease is a must.

5. Work Output

Ensuring that workers are qualified to do their job by using the CSCS card checker can give you peace of mind that your workers are able to undertake the tasks required of them.

Where to Find the CSCS Card Checker

You can find the CSCS card checker on the CITB website.

If you’re looking to get a CSCS card, you’ll first need to get an NVQ. We’re able to offer construction NVQs at level 2csc-7, with some being fully funded. Please get in touch with us to discuss your next construction NVQ.
