CSCS Blue Skilled Worker Card

Construction Skills Certificate Scheme

CSCS Blue Skilled Worker Card

The blue skilled worker card is issued by the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS), and it allows construction workers to prove that they have the necessary skills and training for their role. It also demonstrates that they are committed to safety on site.

Why do you need a CSCS card? If you want to work on a construction site in the UK, it’s now a legal requirement to have a CSCS card. This is because the UK government wants to improve safety standards in the construction industry. By making sure that everyone who works on a construction site has a CSCS card, they can be sure that everyone has the necessary training and skills for their role.

Who can apply for a blue skilled worked CSCS card?

To get your blue skilled worker CSCS card, you must:

– have completed an approved construction qualification

– have at least one year’s experience working in construction

– pass the CSCS health, safety and environment test

What are the requirements to get a blue skilled worker CSCS card?

A blue skilled CSCS card can be attained after a candidate has completed an apprenticeship or NVQ at level 2 or above. See below for a list of relevant NVQ’s to obtain your blue skilled worked CSCS card.

Is a blue skilled worker CSCS card permanent?

A blue skilled worker CSCS card last for 5 years, after which it can be renewed. 

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Below is a list of approved training courses we provide to get you on your way to achieving your blue skilled worker CSCS card.

Training Courses

Click on the link to lean more about each course
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