We’ve worked with 1000 Learners This Year!


We are delighted to share some wonderful news with our community. We have had the privilege of working with 1000 learners (and counting!) throughout this academic year. This milestone holds great significance for us as we are deeply committed to providing valuable AEB (Adult Education Budget) courses to support individuals in their journey back into the workforce. Knowing that we are making a positive impact on so many people’s lives truly makes our efforts worthwhile. We are grateful for the opportunity to celebrate this achievement and eagerly anticipate the continued growth and success in the upcoming year. Here’s to even more accomplishments ahead!

A Commitment to Empowerment:

At Portland Training , our core mission is to empower individuals through training and skill development. We understand the challenges faced by those seeking to re-enter the workforce, and we strive to equip them with the necessary tools and knowledge for success. Our AEB courses are designed to bridge the gap between skillsets and industry demands, providing learners with a competitive advantage in their job search.

Impactful Outcomes:

The true measure of our success lies in the positive outcomes experienced by our learners. The individuals we have had the privilege of working with have generally shown tremendous growth, increased confidence, and a renewed sense of purpose throughout their educational journey. We take immense pride in hearing success stories from our learners who have secured meaningful employment, pursued further education, or even started their own ventures. Knowing that we have played a part in their achievements is incredibly inspiring and reinforces our commitment to making a difference.

Building a Supportive Community:

Behind this milestone stands a supportive community comprising of dedicated tutors and staff. Their tireless efforts ensure that our learners receive the guidance and resources they need to thrive. It is through their hard work that we have reached this milestone and positively impacted the lives of numerous learners.


Looking Ahead:

While celebrating this milestone, we acknowledge that our journey is far from complete. We are energised and motivated to do even more in the months to come. Our goal is to build upon our achievements, expand our course offerings, and reach a wider audience of learners who can benefit from our programs. We remain committed to innovation, adaptability, and delivering educational experiences that prepare individuals for success in today’s ever-changing job market.

Reaching the milestone of working with 1000 learners this academic year fills us with joy and a deep sense of purpose. We are honored to have made a positive impact on so many lives, helping individuals regain their footing in the workforce and pursue their dreams. As we celebrate this achievement, we express our gratitude to everyone who has been a part of this journey. Together, we will continue transforming lives and contributing to a brighter future. Here’s to the remarkable year that lies ahead!
