Men’s Health Week and Healthy Eating Week 2023

Healthy Eating Week

This week is both Men’s Health Week and Healthy Eating Week! Portland’s Health and Wellbeing Champions (Kingsley and Lucy) have teamed with the Events, Charity and Volunteering Champions (Aysha and Becky) to promote the benefits of healthy living and men’s health.

The champions worked together to organise a fantastic smoothie making session in the office to promote the benefits of healthy eating! Have a look at some of the pictures below!

The smoothie making session was followed by one of our regular ‘wellbeing in focus’ session, focused on men’s health and healthy eating. The session provided loads of valuable information including the effects of diet on mental health and high-risk conditions for men.

Did you know that on average, men develop heart disease a decade earlier than women?

The risk factors of having heart disease can vary, but in men, this is mostly brought about by elevated cholesterol” (mid-section weight).

It’s so important to keep track of what we’re putting into our bodies by eating healthily and maintaining a balanced diet.

By maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, including fruit and vegetables, we can improve both our mental and physical health.

Since fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants and vitamins, they’re great for your skin’s health, whereby they help reduce acne, redness, and dry spots. Not getting enough of those bright foods could make you feel sad, putting you at higher risk of depression. These powerful sources of nutrients can improve your mental state and make you feel happier.

At Portland Training we have champions that cover a variety of different areas, including Health and wellbeing, Equality, diversity and inclusion and Net-zero. These champion roles provide a great opportunity to be the B.E.S.T we can be at Portland Training- allowing us to benefit not only our staff but our learners and the wider community. 
