Earth Day 2024

CSCS card

Today is a time to reflect on what we can do to make our home a better place every day. After all, even the small steps add up if we all work towards creating a more sustainable future. 

Here’s a few things that we do to make our planet that little bit better every day.

Carbon Reduction Plan commissioned

This initiative entails regular assessments of our business activity and carbon footprint to pinpoint areas for improvement and implement direct measures to cut emissions.

The resulting report identifies our current emissions and provides actionable strategies to move us closer to our net zero goal by 2030.

Company cars 100% electric

All our company fleet is 100% electric, allowing us to keep our emissions as low as possible while making a positive impact on the environment. 

Social Values Champions team created

We have a dedicated Social Values Champions team which helps us drive forward our commitment to our net zero target by 2030. 

Significant reduction in printing/paper usage

As a business, we have made a conscious effort to reduce the amount of printing we do.

We now have a business wide ban of unnecessary printing. 

We are also currently making an effort to replace remaining external paper communications with digital solutions

Replaced bottle water fountain with mains feed

We have removed all our old bottle fed water fountains with mains fed alternatives, which has reduced emissions from deliveries, as well as waste emissions from the disposal of water bottles.

Using local suppliers

Virtually all our furniture comes from a local supplier of second-hand and refurbished furniture, which has the benefit of having zero emissions apart from any refurbishing and further transportation processes.

Increased our working from home policy

We have recently increased our working from home policy which not only benefits our staff but reduces our overall commuting emissions.

What can we do moving forward?

As we move forward, let’s continue do our part to make our home a more healthier, and sustainable earth for us all. Happy Earth Day!
